Paper 1 (H409/01) - Media Messages
In Paper 1 you will be asked to respond to questions about newspapers, and either music videos or advertising or magazines (Big Issue)- only two of the three will be included. The set texts are Guardian and Mail, but you can be asked to analyse any British newspaper. Get your facts about both here (Q3 is likely to ask about one or both).
Paper 1 has 4 questions - a detailed breakdown is shown in the presentation (below). You also need to know about various contexts, including economic, social, historical, cultural and political (this can include regulation - see here).
You will always have two unseen newspapers to discuss, either broadsheet and tabloid, or two broadsheets, or two tabloids. They can also either be from online version or social/participatory news feeds of that paper (here is an example of Mail).
Music Videos - depending on what your center chose, there are two lists of music videos. You might get asked to compare BOTH or just write an analysis on ONE.
Advertising will be from either of the set texts and is likely to include an unseen relating to the typicality or conventions you've learned.
Magazines will feature a cover from The Big Issue.
The focus really is on knowledge and understanding of theoretical framework (audiences, industry, representation and media language). Questions 1-4 on newspapers will require you to use skills of analysis and also apply academic ideas and arguments.

An example of a Q1 comparison looking at representation can be found here
Music Videos

You will be asked to analyse either both or just one of your music video set texts. You do not need theory, but you should understand the concept of representation.
Here are two examples, one is a model response about Titanium and how an artist's identity is represented through the video.
The second example, Emile Sande's Heaven, explores how the video highlights social issues through media language.
This question is worth 10 marks - dedicate 15-20 mins.